September 16, 2020 Wednesday

Shenzhen electronic document archiving and management measures

Information source: Shenzhen Archives portal Release time: 2022-09-30

(Issued by Shenzhen Archives Bureau on July 24, 2003 (2003) No. 83)

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Archives Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Collection and Utilization of Archives and Documents of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in order to further standardize the archiving and management of electronic documents and ensure the safe and effective use of archived electronic documents。

Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the archiving and management of electronic documents of state organs, organizations and institutions at all levels in our city。

The archiving and management of enterprise electronic documents may be carried out with reference to these Measures。

Article 3 The meanings of the following terms in these Measures are respectively:

(1) Electronic documents: documents stored in digital form on magnetic tapes, disks, compact discs and other carriers, which rely on computer systems to read, process, access and can be transmitted over communication networks。

(2) Archived electronic documents: refers to the electronic documents that have been identified as having preservation value, as well as the corresponding supporting software parameters and other relevant data。

(3) Online archiving: refers to the process of transferring electronic documents to archives departments through computer networks without changing the original storage method and location。

(4) Unloadable archiving: refers to the process of unloading the electronic documents that should be archived onto the offline carrier and transferring them to the archives department。

(5) Metadata: Data about the data, is an information resource organization and management tool, it can be a detailed, comprehensive, standardized description of the document, to ensure that electronic documents can be accurately understood and effectively retrieved, to support the management, use and long-term access to electronic documents。

Chapter II Organization management and responsibilities

Article 4 The municipal and district archives administrative departments shall, in accordance with the principle of unified leadership and hierarchical management, be responsible for supervising and guiding the archiving and management of electronic documents produced by municipal and district state organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions。

Article 5 Each unit shall establish an electronic document archiving management system, and designate competent specialized personnel to be responsible for the archiving and management of electronic documents。

Chapter III Electronic document archiving

Article 6 The scope, storage period and classification of electronic documents shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the State on the archiving of paper documents。

Article 7 Basic data types of electronic documents and their category codes are:

(1) Text file (code: T)

(2) Graphic file (code G)

(3) Image file (Image, code I)

(4) Video file (Video, code V)

(5) Audio file (Audio, code A)

(6) Database file (code D)

(7) Computer Program file (Program, code P)

(8) Multimedia file (Multimedia, code M)

For archived electronic documents, the storage format and carrier shall be selected according to the "Storage Format and Carrier of Archived Electronic Documents" provided in these Measures (see Appendix I), and the carrier for storage of electronic documents shall be marked with carrier number, category code, secret level, storage period, etc。

Article 8 Encrypted electronic documents shall be decrypted before archiving and filed in plain text。 

Article 9 Archived electronic documents shall include the Electronic Document Metadata Table (electronic version, see Appendix II), machine-readable catalogue of electronic documents, relevant software and other descriptions, and shall be attached with the Registration Form of Archived Electronic Documents (see Appendix III).。

Article 10 For electronic documents whose storage term is "permanent" or "long-term", at least one paper copy of the electronic document must be made and filed at the same time, and accurate and reliable identification shall be established to correspond with it。

Article 11 The archiving of electronic documents may be conducted in the form of online archiving or unloadable archiving。

Article 12 Online filing of electronic documents shall meet the following requirements:

(1) The electronic document formation unit shall set the authority to query the archived electronic documents;

(2) The completed electronic documents shall be marked and marked by the manager in time;

(3) The physical address of the archived electronic files shall be stored on the designated server by the network manager, and backup measures shall be taken。

Article 13 Unloadable archiving of electronic documents shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Archived electronic documents shall be downloaded to the carrier provided for in these Measures;

(2) The information in the process of handling shall be recorded in the corresponding documents at any time;

(C) Electronic documents should be filed within 3 months after the completion of processing。

Chapter IV Transfer of archived electronic documents

Article 14 The municipal archives transfer unit shall, in the first quarter of each year, transfer the electronic documents that should be archived in the previous year to Shenzhen Document Management Center (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Document Center) by means of online archiving or unloadable archiving.。

Each district archives transfer unit will temporarily transfer the electronic documents that should be archived to the district archives in accordance with the above requirements。

Article 15 The contents of the handover of archived electronic documents include archived electronic documents, electronic document metadata tables and related materials。

In principle, the electronic documents generated by the special software should be converted into general electronic documents. If it cannot be converted, the special software, hardware and related technical data must be sent to the document center for record, and the Registration Form of Special software and hardware equipment shall be filled out (see Appendix IV).。In the future, if new software and hardware equipment or system upgrades are used, relevant procedures should be handled in the document center, and the original software and hardware equipment and related materials should be handed over within the prescribed time limit。

Article 16 Before the transfer of archived electronic documents, the document formation unit must carefully inspect the electronic documents, and the inspection personnel must fill in the "Inspection Form for the transfer of archived electronic Documents" (see Appendix V).。The inspection form shall be kept in duplicate, one by the document center or archives, and the other by the electronic document formation unit。

Article 17 Testing personnel shall test the following items:

(a) carrier appearance inspection, such as whether the carrier has scratches, whether it is clean;

(b) virus tests, such as whether there is a virus;

(3) Authenticity inspection, such as whether the content, structure and background information of the electronic document after transmission, migration and other processing is consistent with the original condition at the time of formation;

(4) Integrity inspection, such as the content of the electronic file information, background information, structural information, etc., whether there are defects;

(5) validity test, such as whether the electronic document has the intelligibility and availability, including the integrity of the carrier, the identification of information, the reliability of the storage system, the compatibility of the carrier, etc.;

(6) Test of technical methods and related software description data, such as whether the technical methods and related software description data are complete。 

Article 18 The electronic documents transferred to the municipal document center or the district archives shall be in three sets, one set for storage, one set for use, and one set for storage in different places。

Article 19 After the electronic documents kept by the Municipal Document Center are authenticated by the Municipal archives, those with permanent preservation value shall be accepted by the Municipal Archives。

Chapter V Custody of archived electronic documents

Article 20 The storage of archived electronic documents shall meet the following requirements:

(a) the archive carrier should be anti-write processing, avoid wiping, scratching, touching the recording coating;

(2) The archiving carrier should be stored upright in the installation of anti-light, dust-proof, anti-magnetic and anti-harmful gases;

(3) The ambient temperature control range is 17℃ -20 ℃, and the humidity control range is 35% -45%。

Article 21 Guarantee measures for the validity of archived electronic documents:

(1) Check and register the updating of the equipment of the formation units involved in electronic documents and the archives once every year;

(B) The magnetic carrier every 2 years, the disc every 4 years for a sampling machine reading inspection, sampling rate is not less than 40%, if found problems should be taken timely recovery measures。

(3) When updating the equipment environment, the compatibility of the inventory carrier and the new equipment should be confirmed, if not compatible, the carrier conversion of electronic documents should be carried out, and the original carrier retention time is not less than 3 years。

(4) The electronic files on the magnetic carrier shall be transferred every 4 years, and the original carrier shall be retained for not less than 4 years at the same time。

Article 22 The municipal archives, the municipal document center, the district archives and the archives department of each unit shall regularly make statistics on the reception, utilization and destruction of electronic documents。

Chapter VI Utilization and destruction of archived electronic documents

Article 23 The sealed carrier of archived electronic documents may not be lent out, and no unit or individual may copy electronic documents without approval。

Article 24 Copies shall be used for utilization。When the archived electronic documents with confidentiality requirements are provided and used through the network, security and confidentiality measures such as identity authentication and authority control shall be adopted, and relevant provisions of the State shall be observed。

Article 25 For the destruction of archived electronic documents, a list of destruction shall be prepared and submitted to the competent leader of the unit for approval。

Article 26 Unclassified electronic documents may be logically deleted。When electronic documents belonging to the scope of confidentiality are destroyed, if they are stored on non-erasable carriers, they shall be destroyed together with the storage carriers and wiped completely from the network。

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 27 These Measures shall come into force as of August 1, 2003。

Appendix I

Archiving electronic file storage format and carrier

(A) Archiving electronic file storage format

Basic data type format

Database DBF



Graph DXF




Slide presentation

Courseware DRC

Form XLS

(2) Archiving electronic document storage carrier

Carrier name specification purpose

CD-R 650M Saved offline

CD-RW 650M Data exchange

DVD-R   4.7G data exchange

磁盘<     软盘、硬盘    数据交换

Appendix II Metadata table of electronic documents

第  页

Number element type Metadata element description number


1 Identifier Category number * The category number in the file category        

2 Full Clan Number * The number assigned to each full clan        

3 File Number * A unique identification number assigned to each file        

4 Background File formation Unit * File formation unit     

5 Responsible Person * The person responsible for the formation of the document     

6 Time of document formation * Time of document creation, signature and approval     

7 Receiving Unit Unit that receives files     

8 Recipient The person responsible for the receipt of the document     

9 Receiving Time Indicates the time when the receiving unit receives the file     

10 Associate references to related files        

11 Coverage The relevant legal, temporal and/or regional characteristics reflected in the content of the document    

12 Language The language used to record the contents of the file     

13 Use logs to record file usage        

14 File title * Indicates the subject content and nature of the file        

15 Subject term * A normalized phrase that describes the subject of a file        

16 Content Description The content summary or text description     

17 Secret Level * File confidentiality level        

18 User Rights Restrictions or regulations on the use of files by users        

19 Retention Period * The period of time for which the document must be kept before the disposal action is taken        

20 Disposal Authority The authority that has the authority to dispose of documents     

21 Persons responsible for disposal The person responsible for the act of factual disposal        

22 Disposal action The disposal action taken on the document when the storage period expires     

23 Disposal Time Indicates the time at which the file is disposed        

24 Save the log file records and descriptions of all operation dates and behaviors in the long-term storage     

25 Structural Information Carrier * Physical carrier for file storage        

26 Carrier specifications * Technical parameters for the carrier     

27 Data Type * Category information about the file data     

28 Data Format * Logical format of the data that makes up the file        

29 Storage Location Physical/Logical location where the file is stored    

30 applications files created hardware environment (host, web server model, manufacturer, etc.)      

Software environment at the time of file creation (operating system, database system, model and version of application software, etc.)      

31 Encryption Method * How to encrypt the information of the file        

Note: All fields marked with * are required, please fill in carefully

Appendix III

Filing electronic document registration form

第  页

File number title form time carrier

Number custody

Term note

Appendix IV

Special software and hardware equipment registration form


Registration time:


Condition Unit Name Contact Contact


Unit address      

Hardware environment (Hardware device name, model, manufacturer, etc.)   

Software environment (Software model, version, etc.) Operating system      

Database system   

Application software      

Electronic file features File Data type ○ Text file ○ Graphics file ○ Image file

○ Database ○ Sound file ○ Video file

○ Table ○ Multimedia file ○ Other

File format (doc, dbf, pdf, txt, jpeg, etc.)      

Other Related information Hardware related information

(instructions, etc.)      

Software related information

(Instruction manual, etc.)      

Registration of handover situation ○ Complete handover time      

○ Incomplete handover Time      

Incomplete condition registration   


Appendix V

File electronic document transfer inspection form

Check item check status

Carrier appearance inspection      

Virus test      

Authenticity check   

Integrity check   

Validity test   

Technical method and related software description data inspection   

Applicant (signature)   

Year month day

Auditor (signature) Transfer unit Receiving unit

/ /   

/ /

Unit (seal)      

/ /    

/ /

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